Monday 26 May 2014

Hello ,earthlings!

     For as long as I could remember, I was writing stories ; stories of love, faith, honor, betrayal and loyalty, but I have never managed to get through with finishing any of them but from this day forth I will commit myself to finishing one story and I hope it 'incaptivates' your senses. I have loved the ocean and the moon far more than any human being <besides my parents and friends>  my whole entire life, they have been like my only shoulder I could lean onto for as long as I wanted. I spoke to them my deepest darkest secrets and they never failed our trust. Okay, you'll think I'm crazy by now, a lunatic perhaps but let me tell you one thing before you click the x button, you will have to deal with my absence for a while due to school priorites but other than that I will devote myself solely to you guys and one more thing ! I hope you enjoy the ride !


Yours Truly,